Individual Sessions

Individual Sessions are the quickest way to make the most progress.

In a 60 minute session you’ll lie comfortably on a low table, fully clothed, while I use movement and gentle pressure to map your unique posture.

Most people come weekly for a period of time determined by your goals and progress. In the very beginning, though, a series of three sessions per week is recommended. Like a learning a foreign language, greater frequency is needed in order to not just start over each session.

Each session is tailored to help you shed your body’s chronic tension.

You will leave feeling a release of tension you haven’t felt before.

When you stand up at the end of your first session, you’ll feel different – like you’re standing up straight but with zero effort.

Like all your joints have been oiled and you have a 3D sense of yourself.

As we uncover the postural habits that have been in your way, you’ll transform feeling stiff, heavy, and stuck into lightness, flexibility, and clarity.

I call that moment pure gold.

When you stand up – and it feels unfamiliar.

In that instant, you have access to both your old habit and a new one. And you’re transforming your postural habits in real-time!

The funny thing is – moving well takes way LESS effort than moving poorly. 

What moving well takes MORE of is awareness. And that type of effort actually feels invigorating.

Lasting Change

The next steps reveal deeper layers of habits, accumulated over a lifetime – like the time you sprained your ankle, on top of decades of “standing up straight.”

It takes longer to transform them, but accessing deeper layers means achieving lasting change.

And finally, the BIG secret!

Most of my clients discover their initial goals were too SMALL!

What will YOU accomplish when you’re living without pain?

If you’re ready to see what’s in your way and transform it, let’s get started! (971) 279-7110